IAIR 2025 Resolution Workshop Speakers

Meet the Resolution Workshop Chairs

Steve Davis, Duane Morris, LLP

Steven B. Davis is a partner and team lead of Duane Morris LLP’s Insurance & Reinsurance industry group. He is a nationally recognized attorney in insurance transactional, regulatory and coverage matters. For more than 30 years, he has advised and represented insurers, reinsurers, and intermediaries on transactional and regulatory matters, including start-ups, mergers and acquisitions, affiliations, investments, intercompany matters and obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals and resolving financial and market conduct examinations. Mr. Davis also provides coverage-dispute counseling and related litigation, mediation and arbitration services to insurers and reinsurers, and sophisticated commercial insureds. He is also a known resource on insurance receivership and runoff and Model Insurance Holding Companies Act issues. Mr. Davis serves as an expert witness on certain litigated matters, and has been engaged as amicus counsel for numerous insurance industry trade organizations. He previously served as general counsel of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. He recently served on the Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro Transition Team’s Finance and Insurance Subcommittee.

 Nancy Margolis, Pennsylvania Life & Health Insurance Guaranty Association

Nancy Margolis became Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Life & Health Insurance Guaranty Association in March of 2020. In this role, she is responsible for protecting PA policyholders in life, annuity, health and long-term care insolvencies. Prior to joining PLHIGA, Ms. Margolis practiced as an attorney for over 20 years, where she specialized in insurance products, coverage litigation and regulatory counsel.  From 2012 to 2020, Ms. Margolis worked as an attorney and association management executive.  In addition to her role at PLHIGA, Ms. Margolis also serves as the Task Force Chair for the PHL Variable Rehabilitation and is a board member for LTC Reinsurance PCC.

Margolis graduated magna cum laude from George Washington University and cum laude from Temple Law School. She is a passionate music fan and volunteers at her local dog rescue.

 Crystal McDonald, Pennsylvania's Office of Liquidations, Rehabilitations and Special Funds

Crystal has served as Pennsylvania’s Director for the Office of Liquidations, Rehabilitations and Special Funds since 2016.   In her position, she is responsible for a wide variety of substantive and administrative duties, including preparation of reports on the status of all liquidation and rehabilitation estates, acting as liaison to the Pennsylvania state guaranty associations and handling website content for the Pennsylvania Insurance Department Liquidation and Rehabilitation site.  A licensed attorney for over 10 years, she has worked in private practice as a bankruptcy attorney in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and as an adjunct professor teaching bankruptcy, constitutional and business law. Crystal is a graduate of Widener University Commonwealth Law School and Coastal Carolina University.  She makes her home outside of Hershey, Pennsylvania with her husband, James, and their daughter Payton. Crystal enjoys hunting for antiques, and currently serves as a volunteer for the Hershey Foundation.  She previously served on the Board of Directors for the Columbia Food Bank.

 Laura Slaymaker, Pennsylvania Insurance Department

Laura serves as Pennsylvania’s Deputy Insurance Commissioner for the Office of Liquidations, Rehabilitations and Special Funds, a position she has held since 2016. She has been a licensed attorney for over 30 years. In addition to receiverships, like Penn Treaty, SHIP, and Bedivere, Laura’s position includes oversight of the PA Workers’ Compensation Security Fund (a PA guaranty fund) and the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (“USTIF”) as well as the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund (“Mcare”). Prior to joining the PID, Laura worked in private practice at a Lancaster, Pennsylvania law firm, and as a Trial Attorney for the Office of United States Trustee, handling bankruptcy matters. A proud honors graduate of The Dickinson School of Law and the University of Delaware, Laura makes her home in Lancaster with her husband, Sam, and has two grown sons. In her spare time, she serves on the Manheim Township Public Library Foundation Board and enjoys supporting local theater. She has previously served on the boards of the University of Delaware Alumni Association, the Lancaster YWCA, the Lancaster Housing and Redevelopment Authorities, and as a United Way volunteer and Girl Scout Leader.

Meet the Resolution Workshop Presenters

Resolution Workshop Welcome 

IAIR President Bart Boles, TLHIGA


Bart Boles is the Executive Director of the Texas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (“TLHIGA”). He began his insurance career as an examiner for the Texas Department of Insurance but soon moved into receivership and guaranty association work. He has continually managed the activities of the TLHIGA since 1988, initially while a Texas Department of Insurance employee prior to the TLHIGA’s privatization by the Texas Legislature. He continued his work for the TLHIGA after its privatization as an TLHIGA employee, partner with the management consulting and third party administration firm LaShelle, Coffman and Boles, and again as an TLHIGA employee.

Bart began serving as the TLHIGA’s liaison to the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (“NOLHGA”) in September 1990.  His NOLHGA work has included serving as one of the “core members” of the Disposition Committee which was the precursor to the Member’s Participation Council, two terms on the Members’ Participation Council Executive Committee, service on over forty NOLHGA insolvency task forces (eight as Chair), the Y2K Contingency Planning Committee, Chair of the Shelf Alternative Products Committee, the Pandemic Study Group, Health Insurance Privacy Committee, the Guaranty System Modernization Task Force (including Chair of its Assessment Subgroup), the Communications Committee, Security Advisory Committee, the Coverage Claims Committee, the Business Continuity Plan Subgroup, and the Audit Committee.  He also served three terms as Chair of the Members’ Participation Council, which oversees all multi-state insolvency task forces, and as an ex officio member of the NOLHGA Board of Directors.  He later served two three-year terms on the NOLHGA Board of Directors.

Bart is President of the International Association of Insurance Receivers’ Board of Directors.  He also holds the Certified Insurance Resolutions Director designation from IAIR specializing in guaranty associations, claims, and reinsurance. He chairs or serves on IAIR’s Receivers and Guaranty Funds Relations Committee, Ethics Committee, Audit Committee, and Education Committee.

Bart is a native Texan with a BBA in Finance from Texas State University in San Marcos. He and his wife are avid windsurfers and wingfoilers with three daughters.  

 Session 1: What are PFA's and Impact on Runoff and Solvency

William Mandia, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP

Bill Mandia is Co-Chair of Stradley Ronon’s Insurance Coverage Advisory & Litigation practice group. For more than two decades, Bill has represented primary and excess insurers in a wide range of coverage disputes and bad faith claims, including disputes involving property-casualty, environmental, D&O, E&O and other specialty lines of coverage.

Bill has significant experience representing insurers in courts throughout the country in multi-million dollar disputes over long-tail liability exposures, such as asbestos and environmental claims. Bill’s experience also includes the representation of property-casualty insurers in connection with complex disputes involving construction defects and construction accidents, including disputes over additional insured coverage. 



Sin Senh, Roux and Associates

Sin Senh is the President, Chief Executive Officer, and a Principal Hydrogeologist with Roux, having over 25 years of experience in site assessment and remediation, chemical fate and transport evaluations, and groundwater modeling.  The majority of his work at Roux involves real estate developers and environmental attorneys with technical focus on the fate and transport of environmental contaminants and waste disposal.  Sin has thousands of hours of practical, hands-on field experience with petroleum and chlorinated solvent investigations and has managed remedial investigations and remediation at major industrial facilities, petroleum refineries, Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs), Brownfield redevelopment sites, and hundreds of retail gasoline service stations.  Sin has extensive experience with in situ remedial technologies for various contaminants including those found at petroleum and chlorinated solvent sites.  His experience includes degradation studies of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs); analytical and numerical groundwater and surface water flow and contaminant transport modelling; multi-phase finite element modelling; and the design of pump and treat systems.  Sin is currently serving as a retained expert on several large PFAS related matters where he is evaluating the fate and transport of PFAS through numerical modeling.

 Session 2: The Future of Cyber and AI: A Discussion of Risks, Compliance and Law


Alex Royal, Marshall University

Alex Royal is the Executive Director of the Institute for Cybersecurity (ICS) at Marshall University. Ms. Royal manages overall ICS requirements, priorities, budgets, systems, and processes. She collaborates with industry and government entities to ensure continued support for the ICS.

Before coming to Marshall University, Ms. Royal was the Senior Technical Advisor at United States Cyber Command’s Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Networks (JFHQ-DODIN). As the Senior Technical Advisor, she worked directly with JFHQ-DODIN leadership to communicate security threats and develop policy regarding the employment of technical solutions and nuances associated with cyber threats and mitigations to DOD networks.

Ms. Royal also supported the government as a technical architect with Palo Alto Networks, where she oversaw the deployment of capabilities within the DoD and evaluated deliberate plans, programs, and projects involving cyberspace defense to create solutions that balance business requirements with information and cybersecurity requirements.

Ms. Royal is a highly decorated in the Air Force, serving in the Massachusetts Air National Guard. She achieved the rank of Master Sergeant, before commissioning as a Second Lieutenant in December 2023. She deployed numerous times to support Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, leading Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) teams and operating as a Tactical Systems Operator (TSO) on four different airframes. Ms. Royal also served as an analyst and a Cyber Operations Subject Matter Expert, providing the foundation for JFHQ-DODIN to pursue proactive operations and information sharing with DOD and interagency mission partners to defend DODIN infrastructure.

Ms. Royal is engaged to U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Randy Donathan, and they live in Texas with his three sons--William, Jacob, and Patrick.

Amy Cyphert, West Virginia University College of Law

Amy Beth Cyphert is an Associate Professor at the West Virginia University College of Law.  Cyphert is a Morgantown native and a 2001 graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, where she was awarded a Truman Scholarship. Cyphert graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2005, and went on to clerk for the Honorable Laura Taylor Swain in the Southern District of New York. Prior to joining WVU, Cyphert was a senior litigation associate with WilmerHale in New York City, where she focused on complex commercial litigation as well as first amendment pro bono matters.

Cyphert developed and teaches courses on Artificial Intelligence and the Law, including Regulating AI. Her recent research has focused on generative artificial intelligence and its impact on the practice of law. She has also written about technology regulation and algorithmic decision making in the criminal justice system. In 2021, Cyphert received the Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award from the Future of Privacy Forum for her article on machine-learning algorithms and online surveillance. 


Session 3: Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment in the Insurance Industry: Trends and Impact


Mariana Gomez-Vock, ACLI

Mariana Gomez-Vock is the Senior Vice President of Prudential Policy & International at the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI). She excels in navigating complex political and regulatory environments, providing strategic guidance on public policy issues and building consensus-based positions on tough issues. She advocates on behalf of the industry at the state, federal, and international level, including the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). Recently, Mariana has worked on issues involving domestic and international group capital standards, capital charges for structured securities, the regulatory response to structural changes in the life insurance industry and private equity. Mariana attended the University of California, Berkey (B.A.) and American University (J.D.) and resides in Washington, DC. 

 Daniel McCarty, Eversheds Southerlands

Daniel McCarty is an experienced insurance regulatory and transactions attorney with a deep and practical understanding of state, federal and international insurance issues. 

Daniel advises insurers, producers and other insurance stakeholders on a range of regulatory, compliance and transactional matters including those related to insurance holding company act requirements, credit for reinsurance, captive insurance, and complex reorganizations.  Daniel’s practice also includes a significant focus on new and evolving matters, such as private equity firm involvement in insurance and financial guaranty insurance. 

Prior to his current role at Eversheds Sutherland, Daniel served as a policy advisor for the US Department of the Treasury. In that role, he was a senior advisor to the director of the Federal Insurance Office, where he advised on insurance policy and regulation. He also served as the designated federal official of the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance, a Treasury-authorized advisory committee consisting of senior executives from Fortune 500 insurers and producers, state insurance commissioners and leading consumer advocates.

Daniel is a former US delegate to the Insurance and Private Pensions Committee at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In his role at Treasury, Daniel also provided advice on a number of bilateral and multilateral developments, including the Bilateral Agreement Between the United States of America and the European Union on Prudential Measures Regarding Insurance and Reinsurance (US-EU Covered Agreement).

Prior to his role at the Treasury, Daniel worked for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners where he advised state insurance regulators on a number of legal issues including Dodd-Frank’s impact on the state-based system of insurance regulation.


Bill O'Farrell, Premia Holdings Ltd.

Mr. O’Farrell is a co-founder and CEO of Premia Holdings Ltd., a global reinsurance group focused on providing capital solutions for its clients, largely through legacy risk transfer transactions. Premia also owns Alan Gray LLC, a TPA, auditing, analytics, legal expense management and advisory firm, providing positive outcomes for its clients over 36 years. Today Premia has assumed over $5 billion in reserves, has nearly $1 billion in capital, including its side car, has operations in the US, Bermuda, the UK (including a Lloyds Managing Agency), and Continental Europe and has over 240 employees globally. 

Prior to joining Arch in 2016 as Executive Vice President to form Premia, he served as Chief Reinsurance Officer of Chubb Ltd. for over a decade.  In addition to having global responsibility for one of the largest and most complex ceded reinsurance programs in the world, he also served as Chairman of Brandywine Holdings, ACE Ltd.’s run-off unit, and he developed the structure and played a key role in the launch of ABR Re, an independent reinsurance company, jointly sponsored by ACE Ltd. and BlackRock Inc. in 2015. 

Prior to joining ACE, he served as Vice President and Legal Counsel with Berkshire Hathaway’s Reinsurance Division for over a decade, where he held several senior positions, including serving as a board director of various operating subsidiaries, and was responsible for sourcing, leading due diligence teams and managing billions in run-off liabilities.

Along with his traditional reinsurance background, he has broad capital markets experience including cat bonds, side cars and the formation of two reinsurance groups.  He has also led the sale and purchase of numerous insurance companies in the US, the UK, and Continental Europe.

Mr. O’Farrell holds a B.S.B.A. and J.D. from Creighton University.  He attended Creighton on an Army ROTC scholarship and served as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.  


Thomas R. Sullivan, Sullivan Strategy and Advisory Services, LLC


Thomas (Tom) Sullivan is a recognized and renowned global financial services sector leader who provides advice and counsel to regulators, governments, C-suite executives, boards, not-for-profits, and others, on trends and risks within the sector and more broadly across the macroeconomy. Tom provides advice to market participants and regulators to mitigate friction and optimize results. Tom has a keen sense for how macroprudential risks inform regulatory regime design as well as the impact of micro-prudential policy for individual firms.


 Tom most recently served as a high-ranking official at the Federal Reserve, Board of Governors (the Board). In that role, Tom led the strategic development of the Board’s policies for the regulation and supervision of banks, holding companies, and their affiliates. His wide-ranging span of responsibility included Mergers & Acquisitions, Accounting Policy, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Policy, Insurance Policy, and Systems and Operational Resilience Policy. Tom was also responsible for talent management, communications, and other operational activities. Throughout his tenure with the Board, he routinely briefed the Chair and other members of the Board and senior officials throughout the federal government on matters of relevance in financial regulation. Tom frequently testified before Congress and was the Board’s key spokesperson on insurance industry matters, appearing in broadcast and print media, as well as numerous industry events and forums.  


In his first role upon joining the Federal Reserve, Tom led the newly created Insurance Supervision & Regulation section at the Board. He designed and stood up the agency’s first-ever regulatory regime for insurance firms designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) as nonbank systemically important financial institutions and insurance savings and loan holding companies. In this role, Tom also represented the Federal Reserve at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) on the Executive Committee for nearly nine years. He was the Fed’s point of contact with senior officials from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), state insurance commissioners, the Federal Insurance Office, and foreign insurance supervisory authorities. Tom carried out the will of Congress in creating the Insurance Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC) which advises the Board. The IPAC is a recognized external stakeholder group comprised of market participants, academics, consumer advocates, researchers, and other thought leaders.  

Prior to joining the Federal Reserve, Tom served nearly four years as Connecticut’s 30th Insurance Commissioner beginning in 2007.  Most notably, as Commissioner, Tom successfully guided his agency through the Global Financial Crisis, a time of significant stress for some regulated financial institutions within his dominion. Tom was also an active member of the NAIC, leading and serving on several committees including the Executive Committee, Government Relations Leadership Counsel, Life and Annuities Committee, Property Casualty Committees, and the Climate Change Task Force. He was instrumental in leading the NAIC’s post-crisis policy work to further strengthen the state insurance regulatory regime. 

Given his deep expertise and professional experience, Tom has earned the trust and respect of financial services regulators and policymakers around the globe. 

Session 4: Nuts & Bolts of Receivership

Moderator James Kennedy, Attorney

James Kennedy is a graduate of the University of Texas and the University of Texas School of Law, and has over 30 years experience in handling insurance receiverships.

Since 1989, he worked on numerous receiverships at the Texas Department of Insurance and in private practice, and handled cases of first impression that established precedents in Texas receiverships. He was also involved with significant insurance legislation, including the Insurer Receivership Act, which was the most comprehensive revision to Texas receivership law in over fifty years. 

He participated in several NAIC working groups from 1999 through 2020. He chaired the Receivership Model Law Working Group from 2015 through 2019, and represented the Texas Commissioner of Insurance as chair of the Receivership and Insolvency Task Force from 2019 through 2021.

He represented the NAIC on the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Resolution Working Group from 2014 through 2020, and was involved with drafting revisions to the Insurance Core Principles and the Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups.

He served on the IAIR Board of Directors from 1996 through 2021, and as President in 2018 and 2019.  He has been a Master of the Bench in the Robert W. Calvert Inn of Court since 2006.

He is a frequent contributor to IAIR workshops, and has also been a speaker at courses sponsored by the American Bar Association, Federation of Regulatory Counsel, National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations, National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds, State Bar of Texas, University of Texas School of Law, and the University of Connecticut School of Law.  

Shelley Forrest, Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance 

Ms. Shelley L. Forrest is the Receivership Counsel for the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance where she manages the Receivership Section and represents the Director in insurance receivership proceedings. 

Prior to her current position, Ms. Forrest was in private practice with Boul & Associates, P.C. where she primarily represented consumer debtors in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases.  Her previous work experience includes the Missouri Department of Revenue, GE Capital, and she was an Assistant Attorney General with the Missouri Attorney General’s office.

Ms. Forrest received her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Missouri School of Law in Columbia, Missouri in 1997.  Ms. Forrest completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Missouri, Columbia, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with Honors and a Bachelor of Arts in English.     


Robert Robinson, Senior Health Insurance Company of Pennsylvania

Robert L. Robinson is President of Fuzion and Chief Rehabilitation Officer of Senior Health Insurance Company of Pennsylvania (“SHIP”). In these roles, Bob is responsible for managing all day-to-day operations  of Fuzion and SHIP. He also chairs the key corporate governance committees of the companies.  Prior to joining Fuzion and SHIP, Bob served as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Rehabilitation Officer, Chief Liquidation Officer, or Chief Operating Officer for several companies including, Penn Treaty, Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company, Summit National Life Insurance Company, Charter National Life Insurance Company and Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company and its subsidiaries. He has also held marketing, investment, customer service and information systems positions at Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. 

Bob is also  President  of  RLR Management Services, a management services firm providing receivership and corporate leadership services for the insurance regulatory community. He has over forty years of corporate executive and leadership experience  in  the  insurance  industry. During his years in the insurance industry, he has led start-up ventures, corporate reorganizations, service improvement initiatives, business ethics programs, business growth strategies, and corporate receiverships.  

Bob received his Master of Business Administration from Drexel University, has a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Millersville University, and received his project management certification from Rutgers University. He received his Chartered Life Underwriter  and Chartered Financial Consultant designations from the American College and has held several FINRA licenses. Bob is a member of the Project Management Institute, International Association of Insurance Receivers, and the Turnaround Management Association

Susan Salch, Cantilo & Bennett, L.L.P

Susan E. Salch, a managing partner since 2018, has nearly 30 years of experience in the administration, rehabilitation, and liquidation of insolvent insurers.  Since joining C&B in 1995, Ms. Salch has served as counsel to the Deputy Receiver or Special Deputy Receiver (“SDR”) gaining experience across the country.  Her litigation experience includes defense of claims and related petitions filed in the receivership court as well as litigation filed in other jurisdictions.  Ms. Salch has worked to defend class-action lawsuits, and both pursued and defended cases in receivership court.

 Ms. Salch serves, or has served, as the primary responsible person for C&B in its capacity as SDR in six Texas receiverships.  As the partner in charge of the day-to-day operations of these receiverships, Ms. Salch continues to expand her management experience and knowledge of the insurance industry.  Ms. Salch leads takeover teams, and oversees the work of legal, accounting, tax, claims, reinsurance, and IT subcontractors.  She has negotiated real estate sales, reinsurance recoveries and commutations; coordinated and litigated with state insurance guaranty associations; identified claims against, and pursued, former officers, directors, owners, and others responsible for the insolvencies; and successfully defended motions to lift the receivership stay of litigation. 

 In addition to her broad range of experience in the insurance industry, Ms. Salch has negotiated and prepared contracts and corporate documents for emerging enterprises in Texas, including the formation of limited partnerships and limited liability companies, as well as book, film, and music publishing and licensing contracts.  An avid football fan, Ms. Salch was certified by the NFL Players Association as a contract advisor from 2007-2009.  Ms. Salch is also a certified mediator, having completed the Dispute Resolution Center 40-hour mediation training program in 2001. 

 Ms. Salch, a fifth-generation Texan, was born in Houston, Texas.  She graduated magna cum laude from Southern Methodist University in 1991 with a B.A. in Advertising and a General Business minor.  She received her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law in 1994.  Ms. Salch was admitted to the State Bar of Texas in November 1994.  She is also admitted to the bars of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.  In 2013, Ms. Salch was designated AV Preeminent by Martindale-Hubbell.  

 Being a part of, and giving back to, the Austin community is very important to Ms. Salch, who gives her time to a wide array of non-profit organizations, including the Austin Humane Society where she serves as Co-Chair of the Volunteer Corps Steering Committee for the shelter’s capital campaign,  the Austin Symphony Orchestra where she serves as Chair of the board’s Marketing Committee, and the Texas Advocacy Project, where she serves on the Advisory Board.  Ms. Salch is a classically trained alto vocalist who has performed the national anthem at UT and Round Rock Express baseball games.  She also enjoys snow skiing, golf, F1 and IndyCar racing, fantasy football, and SCUBA diving. 

Session 5: Emerging Risks, Friend or Foe?

A. Kenneth Levine, Esq. , Cozen O'Connor

A former regulator, Ken chairs Cozen O’Connor’s Insurance Corporate & Regulatory Practice Group.  Since entering private practice, Ken has represented various departments of insurance in prosecuting receivership proceedings and, in unrelated matters, defending insurer boards and other stakeholders in receiverships and pre-petition matters. In these endeavors, Ken borrows from his three decades of experience in advising clients on various aspects of insurer operations, helping clients form, acquire, and invest in insurers and intermediaries. Ken is recognized by Chambers & Partners as one of the dozen top insurance attorneys in Florida, having achieved this honor every year since 2006. Ken was recently elected Board Vice Chair of the Federation of Regulatory Counsel, a role which will transition into Board Chair and President in 2026.



Brad Roeber, California Insurance Guaranty Association

Brad Roeber began his insurance career as an agency producer in Spokane, Washington after graduating from Washington State University with a degree in Business Administration - Accounting. He began work with the Allstate Insurance Company in 1986 as a personal lines underwriter. He spent 16 years at Allstate in positions of increasing responsibility with time spent in Underwriting, Finance, Distribution, Operations and Product Management. His final position there was Assistant Field Vice President.

Brad joined the Auto Club Group in 2002 as the Vice President of Regional Insurance for Illinois and Indiana. In 2005 he was named Regional President of AAA Chicago; he remained in that role until 2014, having achieved many milestones, including growth of the club to over 1 million members.

Brad was named Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Meemic and Fremont Insurance companies in 2014; both are Michigan domestic insurers. Meemic focused on personal lines offerings to educators. Fremont wrote and serviced a wide variety of products, including personal and commercial lines as well as farm. Brad was responsible for all aspects of each company while serving as COO.

Brad joined the California Insurance Guaranty Association in late 2018 as the Executive Director. In this role, he has responsibility for all operations of CIGA, which is responsible for serving claimants of insolvent insurance carriers. He has been active in industry board service, holding positions in the past at the Illinois Insurance Guaranty Fund and the American Property and Casualty Insurance Association. He currently holds Board posts at the National Conference of Guaranty Funds and Guaranty Support, Incorporated. He is also a Board member of the Rotary Club of Altadena.

He lives in Southern California with his wife, Susie. They have two grown children and a wonderful dog named Oliver.


Rowe Snider, Troutman Pepper Locke

Rowe Snider has dedicated nearly four decades to representing state property and casualty guaranty funds, starting in the late 1980s with the Security Casualty insolvency while an associate at Lord, Bissell & Brook in Chicago, which became Locke Lord LLP. In the ensuing decades as a partner at Locke Lord, Rowe represented numerous guaranty funds across the country in litigation, in boardrooms, and as coordinating committee counsel. He also began his work with the National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds in the early 1990s. Today, he continues his legal practice as Counsel with the newly-merged Troutman Pepper Locke, providing guaranty fund representation, in addition to representing residual markets and insurance trade associations on various issues, including antitrust compliance. He holds degrees from Central Methodist University in Missouri and the University of Chicago Law School.


 Session 6: UDS/L&H Data Issues and the American Privacy Act

Amanda Barbera, Quad Association , LLC

Amanda Barbera has more than thirty-five years of experience in non-profit insurance guaranty association operations and administration. She is committed to the mission of protecting policyholders and claimants through a country-wide network of state-based insurance guaranty funds and associations. Her belief in the value of a state-based system of regulation and protection for policyholders is fused with the knowledge that collaboration facilitates efficiency within the system and provides a stronger network of protection. As the Executive Director of the Indiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, the Indiana Insurance Guaranty Association, and the Oklahoma Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association, Amanda works to ensure the “safety net” of policyholder protection is ready and able to respond quickly when triggered by an insurer insolvency. Her career includes work experience in accounting, claim processing, and IT functional areas. In her capacity as an executive leader, she has successfully managed organizations through crisis events and major operational transitions. After acquiring her B.S. in Marketing from Indiana University, she earned her M.B.A. and a Graduate Certificate in Non-Profit Management from Oklahoma State University. She served on the NCIGF Board of Directors from 2018-2021, and she currently serves on the NOLHGA Board of Directors and as Chair of the NOLHGA Members Participation Council (“MPC”). She continues to serve on various committees supporting national associations and the insurance guaranty association system. 


Ashley Rosenberger, NCIGF

Ashley Rosenberger is general counsel and corporate secretary for National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds and its subsidiary Guaranty Support, Inc., where she is responsible for providing day-to-day legal services for association business, staff support to various NCIGF standing committees and insolvency coordinating committees. Additionally, she manages compliance for the association’s corporate secretarial and data management functions, as well as providing support to NCIGF and its member guaranty funds. Prior to her current role, Ashley worked as a contract specialist, providing legal research, analysis, and negotiation of corporate contracts.

Ashley received her Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs from Indiana University- Bloomington and her Juris Doctor from the University of Missouri- Kansas City. Ashley is licensed to practice law in Indiana, Missouri (inactive) and Kansas (inactive). Originally from South Bend, Indiana, she currently resides in Indianapolis with her husband. Ashley spends her free time hanging out with family and friends, traveling, and spending time outdoors. 


Mike Ulmer, NCIGF

Mike Ulmer is Vice President of Technology Services and Finance Operations for the National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds (NCIGF) and is Chief Operating Officer of its wholly owned subsidiary, Guaranty Support Inc. (GSI). 

He has over 20 years of experience in various non-profit management and technology leadership roles, including human resources, strategic planning, risk management, member engagement, developing future leaders, and growing new revenue sources for membership organizations.

He holds a B.S. in Computer and Information Science from Purdue University, an MBA from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, a Certificate in Leadership Principles from Harvard Business School Online, and the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).

   Session 7: Commissioners Panel

Moderator Steven B. Davis, Duane Morris LLP







Michael Conway, Colorado Insurance Commissioner

Michael Conway was appointed as Colorado Insurance Commissioner by Gov. Jared Polis on Dec. 21, 2018, and was confirmed to this position by the State Senate on Jan. 22, 2019. Before this, Conway served as interim Commissioner, a position he was appointed to by Gov. Hickenlooper in Jan. 2018. As Commissioner, Conway serves as the chief executive of the Division of Insurance and oversees the regulation of Colorado’s insurance industry. His role brings together consumers, the insurance industry and other stakeholders to create an inclusive and fair regulatory approach to all lines of insurance such as auto, health, homeowners, life, title and workers’ compensation.


Prior to his appointment, Conway was the Division’s Deputy Commissioner for Consumer & Compliance Services since March 2016. Before that, Conway was an assistant Attorney General for the Colorado State Attorney General’s Office from 2010 to 2016, where he represented the Division of Insurance.


Michael Humphreys, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner

Michael Humphreys was named Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner on February 28, 2022, and confirmed unanimously on June 27, 2023. He had previously served as Acting Insurance Commissioner for the Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) since February 2022. He was the department’s chief of staff from 2019 until 2022. Before joining PID, Humphreys served as Assistant Commissioner for the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance from 2012 to 2019 and before that, as the National Conference of Insurance Legislators’ Director of State-Federal Relations.

Humphreys began his career with the National Council of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL), serving as the Director of State-Federal Relations.

Humphreys holds a B.A. in political science from the University at Buffalo, and an M.P.A. from Bowling Green State University. 

 Session 8: Extended Rehabilitations and Liquidations-New Approaches and Opportunities

Joel Glover, Faegre Drinker

Joel partners with clients to solve problems in the insurance industry — including all related regulatory, transactional litigation and insolvency/receivership issues. Having worked in the insurance regulatory and insolvency field since he began practicing law in 1991, Joel has represented all types of insurance entities, life and health insurance guaranty associations, and receivers throughout the country.

Joel maintains strong relationships with guaranty associations, insurance industry regulators and guaranty associations. He has served as task force counsel for the National Organization of Life & Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA) on various multi-state insolvencies, represented several guaranty associations and served as counsel to the Insurance Commissioners in Colorado, Hawaii and Arizona in their capacities as liquidators of insolvent insurers.

Outside of his legal practice, Joel enjoys coaching youth basketball, hiking, biking, yoga and ba gua chang.

Paul Miller, EquiTrust

Paul is the Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of EquiTrust and oversees legal affairs, compliance, regulatory matters and information technology.  Mr. Miller joined EquiTrust in 2015.  Prior to joining EquiTrust, Paul served as Special Deputy Receiver to the Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance. He also served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the Special Deputy Receiver. Prior to his appointment as Special Deputy, his career spanned private corporate practice and government. Mr. Miller graduated from the Chicago-Kent College of Law where he serves on the Alumni Board of Directors, and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Miller is a Board Member of the Anti-Defamation Leagues’ Upper Midwest Division, serves as Chair of his hometown Business and Economic Development Commission and is an Illinois Commissioner of the Uniform Law Commission.

Donald Roof, Examination Resources

Don has been in the field of insurance regulation for 30+ years. Prior to joining ER in 2013, Don held the position of Director of Insurance & Financial Oversight with the Georgia Department of Insurance. As Division Director, Don was responsible for financial and market conduct examinations, financial and market analysis, troubled company administration, mergers and acquisitions, holding company transactions and company licensing. Prior to assuming the position of Division Director, Don served as Georgia’s Chief Financial and Market Conduct Examiner.

Don has been involved in numerous receiverships over the years and brings specialized experience and knowledge with the Captive market. During his tenure with the Georgia Department, Don appeared before the Georgia Legislature providing testimony on various bills including Georgia’s Credit for Reinsurance law. As Managing Director for ER, Don’s main role is to continue to develop ER’s Receivership consulting services and assist with the continued growth in insurance regulatory consulting services. Don oversees the management of large engagements, specialized projects and provides assistance with marketing initiatives. Don received his B.B.A. in Risk Management and Insurance from the University of Georgia. He resides and works in Atlanta, GA.